Monday, October 24, 2011

School's Without Technology

     At the Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, technology is the last thing they want in their classrooms.  The students who go to this school are in no contact with any technology, they are also encouraged not to use it at home.  The classrooms mostly have chalkboard's, paper and pencils.  There are 160 other schools just like this around the United States.  They have great ways to teach students the information, like fractions by cutting up food. I would be interested if my teachers did that.
     Technology is not a bad thing though.  At Burlington High School we are the complete opposite, we encourage students to use technology in a good way. We use ipads and have twitter, Facebook, and even blogs. If it were not for technology you would not even be reading this right now.  All my teachers have web sites that i can visit if i forget the homework.  I would not be able to make it through my day without using some sort of technology.  It is a different kind of learning, but it is just as good if not better than those other schools.  At Burlington High School we are prepared for the real world, where you are going to see different technology and use it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tweets Gone Wrong

A man was offered a job at Cisco. he was excited and tweeted about the job offer. his tweet was, "Cisco just offered me a job! Now i have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work." Cisco was monitoring the twitter airwaves and they replied to his tweet because it was public. Cisco didn't like what he said about hating the work. This is why we should be careful of what we post that everyone can see.  The options to make everything private are there. i bet this guy wishes he did that a long time ago. Digital citizenship is something that everyone has, whenever you use Facebook, Twitter, or blog.  You have to be careful what you post because now its just as important as to what people think of you in person.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Internet is Changing

The TED video that we just watched was very interesting.  The news that we see everyday, in google or even on Facebook is tailored to you and what you search for. I didn't realize how extensive this was.  I did notice on Facebook that your newsfeed if full of your friends and the people you talk to most.  This is good, cause that is what you care about most but if this stays this way you will never come out of that bubble of yours. You will never learn anything new and interesting, you will always see the same information. This makes it harder to learn new things that you may not know about.  This helps to a point, but overall its a step back.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Web 2.0

So far this class has been pretty easy going. We don't really have homework, but we still get a lot done in class.  We have pretty much finished the video, we are all done filming and just have to edit now. Im not sure how long this is going to take, but hopefully not too long.  We also want to add music, so we have to find a good song to play during the movie. Its been fun so far.